Tic Legal | Soutullo & Asociadas is a law firm specializing in Corporate and IT law

Diana Fdez Soutullo
Lawyer. Graduated from University of Santiago de Compostela, with postgraduate on European and international law at the University Robert Schuman (France) and Diploma in Legal Practice from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
Proficient in Corporate and ICT law specialist (information and communication technology: internet…), data protection, intellectual property.
Passionate about the successful incorporation of companies (in and abroad). Visas in her passports made proof of it. In the past eleven years, has established overseas companies successfully in over 30 countries (Usa, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Dubai, Australia… ) and incorporated foreign companies in Spain.
Good communicator. Fluent in English, French, Portuguese, and makes his first steps in German. Direct communication , even through skype, is vital to the success of the projects, therefore, the success of your project.

Elisa M. Serrano
Lawyer in the Bar Association of Madrid, Law Degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela and University Degree in Specialization in Law, Attorney’s Office and Legal Practice, she is also a Rotal Lawyer.
With a procedural vocation and extensive experience in courts, she works in all branches of law (criminal, civil, labor and regulatory), although her specialty is family and business law, providing full advice to both the business and the people that make it up
Good speaker but better “listener”, transmits from the first moment the tranquility, professionalism and mastery of the situation that one craves for the success of their business.
Law and accounting firms across the planet earth.
Partners are also companies clients of this firm. Why? Because we get involved!